Thursday, April 22, 2010


I read Wendy McElroy's blog most days.
Wendy is an iFeminist - the i stands for individualist or independent. This philosophy differs from bog standard feminism in that it believes in equality for all sexes and that Government can not provide that so it should quit making laws cause it does more damage than good. It's a lot more than that, if you are interested go here
Wendy and her husband Brad have some funny things, some crazy things and some very scary, sane things on their blog. Below is a little funny....
Dear United Kingdom,

In response to your demand to send cash immediately ...

Please note the Icelandic Alphabet does not contain the letter "C". We have complied with your request as best as our language allows.

It's not easy to conjure up a volcano at will to spew tons of ash.

Please consider our debt paid in full.

Respectfully yours

Wendy is also an anarchist, I reckon I am too. Now where's my black hoddie...

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