Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bludy Southland

I do actually like Southland, it's just that it's a blighted by bizarre experiences.
Yesterday/this morning's overnighter was the usual mix of the mad, feral and lost time. Actually maybe Lost would be a good comparison.
So driving to Gore is OK, long and uneventful which is actually the best kind of car journey. Gore was freezing... for me. The locals were in various stages of undress so clearly the cold doesn't bother them. I got to experience the cold in all it's glory while I waiting on a street corner for Wazza, my underwear contact (just to clarify because that is a very dodgy image - we are organising NZYF undies. Don't worry, I'll let you know when they are on sale).
Anyway skip a few hours until I got to my hotel room at about 11.30pm, ready to crash into bed, ready for my 5.30am wake up for my 6.45am flight back the land of the living.
As I walked along the corridor I vaguely noticed there was a woman lying unconscious just along from my door. There was vomit and clothes nearby so I assumed she was drunk, checked she was breathing, in recovery position and went to bed. The hallway is only accessible to those staying the hotel so I wasn't too concerned about her overall safety.
45minutes later I heard her mumbling and knocking on doors, someone asking if she was ok, to which she must have say yes cause he closed the door, then more and louder mumbling and more and more banging on doors. More voices and then none. Then more of her, louder still. Until she was banging and banging and banging on my door saying "Let me out"
By this stage I was thinking a few ways I could let her out from my third floor window. Instead I got up and asked her if she was ok and tried to keep her quiet. Just then appeared an angel of mercy in the form of the manager and another guest who was the owner of a previous heard voice. As I turned to talk to them, the drunk woman slipped into my room, into the bathroom and made use of the facilities in the dark - light switch was on the outside (hehe). The poor manager was mortified and after a bit went in and hauled a very floppy woman out of my bathroom and into her room next door.
To the sound of her throwing up I sank into a peaceful, if brief sleep.
P.S. This is the second vomitous carpetous experience I have had while away on NZYF business in the space of two weeks - neither of the perpetrators Young Farmers members, both were old enough to know better.

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