Wednesday, May 19, 2010

it's 8am

and I am finding it very hard to go to work, or get dressed for that matter. Do you think I can go to work in my jamas? I'm sure no-one would notice cause my jama top is a Swazi bush t-shirt (go have a look at the photo on Swazi's homepage, cause that's what weather is like here at the moment but darker) but I would have to wear pants. They may notice that I think.

So other work 'issues' I've had of late. On Monday I lost a British (she is from Northern Ireland, and I don't care what the history is, two countries on such a small island just doesn't make sense to me) exchangee.

Seriously, I was having a fit racking my brain trying to find this girl who was meant to arrive in Auckland last Sunday morning. Admittedly, I had forgotten about organising anyone to meet her but then I figured she was a big girl and would be able to fend for herself cause it's not like Auckland is deepest, darkest Africa or anything. After all I was 18, fresh out of school when I flew to California by myself to meet with people I didn't even know what they looked like and that worked out fantastically well.

On Monday evening I discovered that blessed Icelandic volcano had kept her in Belfast (or nearby countryside cause she is a farmer girl) and she isn't due to arrive until Saturday morning of this weekend which makes her almost in line with all the other exchangees (who I have no idea where they are either but they have a meeting point at Maccas on Sunday).

McDonalds is the travellers oasis. Reliable, visible, warm and with clean loos - good old McDonalds. Always there.

Right I need eat my breakfast steak, get away from this warm fire, shower and put some pants on and go to work.... uggggghhhh!

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