Saturday, February 26, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

Sept 4th earthquake was the Canterbury earthquake, Feb 22 is the Christchurch earthquake.

I have wanted to post about so many things
but they all came back to one thing,
my friend Jo.

Jo has been missing since
12.51pm 22 Feb
She works in the CTV building on the 2nd floor.
She hasn't been heard from.
I can't type what I'm thinking
and I know to be true.

I understand why they stopped searching
but it seems so unfair.
When they ended the search they did it because
there had been no sound from within the crushed building for 11 hours,
the Hotel Grand Chancellor on a lean waiting to collapse only a block away,
but to stop was to give up hope.

They are searching again now but for bodies not people.

Having said that,
there is much to do
and Jo would be leading the charge if she could.

Today I was at the Canterbury A&P Showgrounds
helping Fed Farmers to organise volunteers into teams
to start digging Christchurch out of the silt
that has oozed and set everywhere.
500 volunteers came
and tomorrow 1500 are expected.

Heavy machinery couldn't be used just now
because most of the streets
(not an exaggeration)
have water or sewerage flowing over the street surfaces
so the streets stink and are sinking.
(that's wet, seeping sewerage and the Westpac is not secure,
maybe about to collapse so there are security guards are standing in the stinkyness).

Great holes in the roads are open to the skies,
square feet bubbles of liquefaction are hiding under the surface of the road.
Driving anywhere means sudden drops and rises.
Banks have slumped into the rivers and streams.
The rivers and strerams are now sewers
because there are few working sewers

Corner shops have crumbled but so have new malls.
Christchurch will be bereft of fish and chip shops
and dairys for a while I think.

So many jobs have disappeared.

Then there are the houses.

Whole streets of homes will be condemned.
On this street all the houses had damage.
How can you call on you neighbours when this is what their house is like?

Then there's the three men who were removing an organ
from a condemned church
condemned from the Sept 4th earthquake,
that were crushed to death when the church collapsed.
These men weren't even from Christchurch.

Today after working at the A&P Showgrounds,
Emz, Lisa and I jumped in the ute
and dropped off water to Val
and strangely,
10 boxes of smoked chickens to a welfare centre.

We first went to Pioneer Stadium welfare civil defence centre
which was organised bedlam.
There Mike the staff manager told us
to see if we could sneak it in
because the Sallies were not letting food in
unless it was prepared by their volunteers.
We couldn't,
 so just took it over to Sallies Linwood foodbank
to be prepared by their volunteers
and probably returned to the Pioneer Stadium tomorrow.

 So tomorrow we are expecting 1500 farmers
and it will be busy from 6.30am,
good busy though.

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