Sunday, April 17, 2011

a week in Wanaka

Five days and four nights
of peaceful, picturesque, restful holiday
in Wanaka
at Louly's parents bach
though I'm sure they call it a crib.
Who says the South Island isn't culturally diverse??

Do you think pronouncing Bach as in the composer
rather than bach as in batch would make holiday homes sound posher?
It's like calling Mangere Bridge, Pont du Mongere.
Some people do that, eh Ni?

So Louly's little bach was the perfect place.
Comfortable, easy, relaxing.
Each morning the sun shone.
Each afternoon the sun shone.
Each evening the sun shone.
Y'know until it went down.

Each day I'd go walking,
find a posse on the edge of Lake Wanaka.
I'd wiggle down on the pebbly shore
between fallen trees
until I was out of any wind,
lie back and
watch the clouds scud across the sky
watch the shadows roam across the mountains
then watch leaves spiral down from the trees.
More than once I got a leaf in the face
and those suckers are falling with some velocity.

One afternoon I decided it was time to go see the next bay over.
I eased myself into the ute,
because moving with any great speed was out of the question,
and drove out towards Mt Aspiring.
I got to Glendu Bay
and was glad that I didn't over excited
as I had on my first day in Wanaka
looking at all the walks around the Lake,
and walked around to the bay.
I would still be there happily exhausted.
I do not do exercise at altitude.

I just love the ranges and mountains of Central Otago.
 I love the lakes and austere nature,
the plainness of it's beauty.
It's breathe deep confrontational style.

I wouldn't want to live in Wanaka,
for a bunch of reasons
but mostly that I would be afraid
I would become immune to it's beauty.

While I sat admiring the scenery,
locals would walk past
chatting on their cellphones as they walked their dogs.
Ordinary life was out of place.

I eavesdropped without any choice
on people who I assumed were tourists
based on their accents and foreign clothes
energetically marching along the paths,
talking in their loud voices about
women they knew,
these were older couples talking,
ok the men were talking
the women were silent,
which supports my argument that men are the more gossippier sex.
They nattered on about how the women were strange,
which I took to mean they were different to them
which I took to mean they didn't know these women well
cause otherwise they wouldn't be strange.

I ended my week feeling relaxed and good.
My weekend was less so
but that's tomorrows story.

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