Thursday, January 5, 2012

Green Mile

I watched Green Mile last night.

Well not all of it.
I watched The Castle
and Green Mile in the ad breaks
and when The Castle finished.

I love The Castle.
All time best ever Aussie movie.
An absolute gem.
Darrel Kerrigan defending his home against
big business and the Government when they want to
appropriate it to expand the airport.
Oh yeah did I say the Melbourne airport is right next door?
Location, location, location is relative.

The Kerrigan's coin epic phrases like
"Straight to the pool room!"
"Ya dreaming!"
"Ah the serenity"

And I'm feeling the serenity this morning in my wee castle.
Woke up super early,
sun streaming in the window.
I'm missing my bedside table at the minute
cause it has borer and
I spent a hour yesterday painting it with kerosene.
I'm not quite ready to have it back in my bedroom just yet.
That would be a case of ah the serenity as the fumes fill the room!

It's one of those blissful mornings
when it's already hot and
a wander to the vege patch reveals this delicious wee morsel

A cannonball courgette.

Admittedly we are suffering a courgette glut
all from one plant.
And we are awaiting (read: hanging out) 
for the sweet 100s cherry tomatoes to ripen
so we can fry up the courgette with wee tomatoes
douse with balsamic vinegar
(a word of warning: don't inhale when adding the vinegar
you will regret it when the acidic fumes
rocket through your nasal membrane.)

I am really excited about eating this roundy courgette.
Ah the simple pleasures.

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