Friday, March 26, 2010

yum, yum, good!

Oh my stars!
I have discovered the most amazing thing,
Tegal Chicken Chargilled Steaks.
They are so easy and yummy and kinda of small but they taste so good.
Do you think they have MSG in them cause they are addictive as.

Woes of my life, I'm addicted to frozen chicken steaks! Ngaire will tell you I was behind in the discovery of frozen mashed potatoes but to be fair they are little use to me because I don't have a microwave.

Does that just freak you out? Seems to be the case of lots of people, isn't that so Dae?

I also want to know why so many of the Idol contestants have marginally depressing then uplifting stories? Isn't enough that they can sing really well? They don't need a story filled with woe. Maybe that's why Jordin Sparks did so well because she is happy life girl and so smiley.

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