Saturday, April 3, 2010

How Mormons celebrate Easter...

well gosh we have a big, fat general conference (possibly should have caps on the G and the C - letters of the day?). Easter and Conference do not always coincide but this year it does (please note the Wiki link struggles with useage of caps also and I have no idea what the last entry is about, if you do please let me know?).

To those uninitiated, General Conference (whatever) is a twice a year event held in Salt Lake City (I would put Utah but that would be talking down to you) when the Leaders (pretty sure that has caps) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (day seems like it needs caps but it has been robbed by a hyphen) get together and give wonderfully inspiring talks that are then broadcast(ed) around the world or in New Zealand's case arrives on disc the following week. We get delayed coverage prophecy down here unless we watch on the internet but in my experience that does your head in.

Anyhoo my personal inspiration for this post has come about because of and is brought to you by the letters G and C, Meridain Magazine's daily email supplied a children's' activity book for Conference which you can download here.

So mothers and fathers (now I'm just rebelling about the caps) download the official General Conference activity book and keep your children at peace, ensuring the still, small voice they hear is not from you, as they sit in the semidarkness filling in the gaps with their water based felt tips. Don't forget to give thanks for the wonderful thoughtfulness of our Church Leaders.

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