Sunday, April 4, 2010


Guess what? It's Easter Monday tomorrow and that means I don't have to get up at all, all day if I want. How great is that? Dae sorry if you are reading this at work. I love having aha! moments about things like that.

Last night Mrs L aka Resilanz (don't go there though cause she would rather watch movies when she's online than blog, though technically she is blogging because she works for NewZeal's blog. Nepotism in action) and I went to see "Men who stare at goats" at the movies not in real life - that would be a NZYF activity that's on the very weird but not surprising side.

Sorry got a bit distracted there while I was searching for the movie poster photo above. I became Woman Who Stares at George Clooney - don't worry I'm sure he is still alive... or is he??

So this very silly, funny movie about a real life US Army unit of psychic Jedi warriors who could walk through walls, disburse clouds, and kill goats by staring at them, y'know that kind of thing. This is the sort of thing I don't really want to think about or maybe I can't be bothered but it made for a funny wee movie. So this is why I'd rather not think about subjects like this.
I don't want to say the real people involved are misguided because I don't believe they are particularly. After all I can hardly talk now can I? But if I were being all meta-physical about stuff I'd keep it under my hat or invisible or whatever my 'magic power' was cause surely one of the strengths of this kind of thing is that it is unknown. That's my take on it anyhoo.

Meanwhile Mrs L, Mr L and the little Ls are off to Amerika and want tips and ideas about cool stuff to do in the LA, San Diego, San Francisco and Las Vegas areas. Best if suitable for 5 and 7 year olds. I've done my bit, my all time must do is In-n-out Burger - burger heaven I swear.

1 comment:

  1. I swear you are as loony as the goats we watched - my eyes were spinning like those revolving swirling black and white circle thingy's from the 60's trying to make sense of some of this post.

    Got the insult quite clearly about my blog though - thanks for that. Capitalism is alive and well in my wee world thank you - no tax payer funded trips overseas for me (you listening Mr H) just blood, sweat and skin off my wee finger tips from the pounding of my keyboard in an effort to make the dosh I need. Love you to Ms Interrupted - someone really needs to do that to you (interrupt you I mean)
