Monday, April 5, 2010

I used to believe

Mags has been crazy funny today.

I think it's her giant nostrils, too much oxygen intake. It's true she has massive, almost hairless nostrils. Hairless on the inside, there's a whole other story about hairs on the outside of noses but that can wait til certain people die.

So Nana, Mags's mum, my grandmother, always told Mags that her nose was her Norwegian heritage. Personally I would have gone for blond, healthy outdoors overall look but Mags got a Norwegian nose. She has always imagined that one day when she goes to Rakkestad to visit our far removed relatives that she will be in the land of the Norwegian noses and giant nostrils.

When I was a kid I seriously believed that her nostrils were the size they were because she picked *her nose (come on, we all do, just some more than others) but it turns out it's the Norwegians fault.

Now while we are talking about Norwegians, I will now state very clearly that my olive skin, Mags's darker olive skin, Nana's even darker olive skin (you see the pattern here) all the way back to Anna and Anders Larsen and then all the Dangstorp family were really dark skinned Norwegians. I know! How weird is that?

When I was a kid I thought they must come from a heavily forested area in Norway because in my young mind dark skinned people must come from dark places, like forests - I didn't know that the sun makes you browner cause everyone knows Norwegians are blond, fair skinned muppets not brown eyed, brown haired, olive skinned folk like my family. Besides it was the 70s and 80s when we still sunbathed and got very brown - see it makes sense.. except for the forest bit.

So for today for your laugh out loud reading pleasure... please go to I used to believe - you'll pee in your pants laughing about what adults used to believe when they were kids and sometimes not so little kids. Then you can add what you used to believe.

Just so you know, my nose is similar to Mags but without the giant nostrils - could be due to less nose picking.

*Mags denies any nose picking, Pippapotamus will be the judge of that.

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