Sunday, April 11, 2010


I love gladware containers and I love getting ready for winter

Today was autumn cleaning day

Typical us, getting the wrong season but why would you spring clean when you can finally be outside in the sun and enjoy the fresh, scented spring scented air?

So we autumn clean and bake and prepare for winter laziness.

Today's effort was lots of lovely chicken, red pepper and pine nut risotto. I like it when I first make it but I love it reheated for lunch. I love how after heating and turning out on to the plate the risotto keeps it's shape from the gladware container. It's like having a little risotto cake or dining in a restaurant that makes risotto just like I do. Who knew that presentation was the big difference between my cooking and Jamie Oliver's?

One meal I miss because I truly can not make it, is chicken livers sauteed in peppers and whiskey. Man alive the creamy texture of the liver, bite of the whiskey and lasting heat of the peppers is just delicious. When I used have it every week with Chiara. We used to enjoy a ice cold beer with it then for desert have Dove bars with vodka chasers. That used kick my taste buds on their butt. We used to watch Murder She Wrote and dine on livers, ice cream and liquor. A good Thursday night every week.

That was before I joined the LDS Church and began to follow the Word of Wisdom but a few years after I went to visit Chiara, maker of said chicken livers. She cooked up those chicken livers and I ate them in all their sinful yummiest sans the liquid refreshments, there's only so far you can go. It was almost like a time machine only without Murder She Wrote on the telly.

I had the forethought to 'confess' my sin before I committed it to ol'Apes which probably makes it all worse but I am weak in the face of chicken livers. My failing.

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