Thursday, June 10, 2010

bloggity blog

I'm back to blogging in the morning - I'm sure I could use my time in the mornings far more wisely but what the heck.

I should never turn on my lappy in the mornings - I try not to think of recreational computer time as wasteful and I always get to work on relative time - I am senior, so privilidge of rank means I can set my own start time, problem is getting out of there at a decent time.

One of the things that gets me blogging is reading others blogs and hoping mine is a little more interesting than some, and hoping mine will be as good as others - keeping that in persepctive by understanding that most blogs have some sort of theme like quilting, mommie stuff, lots of cooking blogs. Mine is a bit eclectic which helps the potentially boring posts (I hope) but who knows what rocks your boat.

Every time you hit Next Blog>> at the top of my page you go to a different blog and then another and another but they tend to follow a theme of a kind. This morning's stroll through blogland took me to a knitting path. I wonder if this is a cosmic message trying to tell me something.... can't imagine what that would be though.

Hitting Next BLog>> is like a little adventure for your day.

Meanwhile my little blog network is growing. New Zealand blogs are slowly getting known but it still seems to be the domain of people who take themselves far to seriously. But here's my blogroll from the locals.....

Over the weekend we welcome to the blog world Are These Yours/The Great Nicski - a nicely written treatise about animate and inanimate objects. Much promise and plenty of adventures coming up to report on.

My Daily Joy - my Scot/Kiwi Pioneer Woman (Queen of blogs)buddy, sharing her North Canterbury life filled with family and friends and now photographic experiences. Looking forward to learning from her successes!

Our Wee Farm - another Scot residing in the tropical Far North - had a chuckle at her post about pulling her ugg boots out - fab photos, she turns her farm and home improvements into an inspiration.

Today is my Birthday - be prepared for a pants wetting experience of all those fleeting thoughts you have compounded and in print. Truly funny and mad - I love Ally's take on the world. I save her blog for weekends so if an unfortunate burst laughter has undesirable results I can remedy it after I stop laughing instead of having to stop the laughter to change my knickers. Too much information????

All these blogs are linked from my sidebar and there are a few more just for fun.

Enjoy blog world - it's an adventure into the minds of millions - only one at a time.

P.S. Am having most tender steak for breakfast - yum beef bum!
P.P.S Brian O'Driscoll needs to work on his Irish accent, considering his is Irish he just doesn't sound like it (please note the Irish spelling of Mr O'Driscoll's name - Wheel of Fortune would be a nightmare in Ireland, all that vowel buying!).
P.P.P.S OMGoodness! The Civil Defense ad just talked about losing power in an emergency and started by say "You'd lose TV" yeah that's what you'd be doing an a civil defense emergency "Ooo nothing else to do except wait for the flood waters to rise, I know let's watch the Shorty St omnibus". Fear and bordom does go together I suppose.

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