Wednesday, June 9, 2010

you'd think

that after an epic drive and compulsory Grey's and Private Practice watching plus a very preoccupied mind (with a complex but good thing) making for less sleep, you'd think that I'd be shattered.
Instead I find myself full of vim and vigour - ok that's a lie, let's go with vim alone, vigour seems a bit too 1930s Brit's bathing outside nekid in the snow and be cheery about it this morning, old chum.
I think next week when I am in the big smoke (no caps there cause it's Hamilton during Fieldays so expanded smoke may be better term) I am going to buy a very peppy Black Eyed Peas CD so I can bounce my way to work - hopefully without a detour this morning.
At the moment it's going to Black Betty covered by Spider Bait all the way.
Have a super great day and just think next I'll be reporting from National Fieldays - the largest agricultural gathering (?) in the Southern Hemisphere... yippy!

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