Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fieldays set up

Any set up day is evilly long but compounded with my total lack of experience with anything tent plus my poor attitude towards using my hands for anything other typing and constant emails and phone calls - it was an epic day.
When I arrived there was just a big, fat empty space with bark and stuff all over it. To the right is Phil and Andrew's big trailer - my ambition is life is to have one of those so I can rock up to any field day and just pull stuff out and whip it up quick as. I have many ambitions I'm don't think I'll ever obtain, mainly because I forget them as soon as I walk away from field days - guess it's just field day envy.

Before you think that I am this awesome super woman who does this all myself please realise I am a team player, this means I sincerely invite others - mostly male others to help me and then I oversee things. I have good reason to do this. Nah, it's not a good reason but it's my reason cause I happily do manual work when it suits me but as soon as a guy turns up I turn into some kind of girly girl with an opinion on how things should be done. Geez I'm a pain in the butt. Good thing I'm so charming.
Also thank goodness Dingo Dan turned up so I could cunningly execute my site plan with someone who actually has tools and handy things like a dingo - did I just hear you say "The dingo took moi baybee"?
I never knew dingos were the handiest things in the world. I want one for my birthday.

Not only did Dingo Dan turn up with the dingo but he also made this Young Farmers sign for our stand. When I say made it I mean he actually made it, not like I would say I made it and really mean that I paid someone else (potentially Dingo Dan) to make it = have I told you how impressed I am with our NZYF members???
This is our site with Julie the rural cop standing outside.
We became friends when I told her off for trying to put one of her rural neighbourhood watch signs up on the black street sign pole outside our site. I suggested that she leave it with me and what do you know Dingo Dan turned up at just the right time with his tools.
What I didn't tell her is that we had removed the street signs from the black pole because they were in the way of our fantastic NZYF sign - technically it's not stealing because we only hid them about a foot from the sign - that's not stealing right?

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