Monday, June 28, 2010

in my office

this passes for a normal conversation...

"Rozzy, are these chainsaw spanners on my desk ours or Echos?"

"Where did they come from?"

"The back of the tent at Fieldays, I think from that Friday morning when the Bank borrowed the chainsaws for TV1's Breakfast show. You know when our boys taught the Bank girls how to put the chainsaws together. Then Matty with the bad hair was doing the weather and he couldn't get the chainsaw back together and our sponsor stepped in to help him."

"Oh, yeah I don't know, probably. What's your costume for the Speeches Dinner?"

"They are now. The Winter Wonderland one?"


"I want to go as a princess but I only have Saturday to get something and I don't want to hire a dress."

"You can go in your jamas and uggs with a teddy."

"Oooo that's a perfect reason to get new jamas and I've always wanted uggs. I'm going to do that. Lucky, are you still going as a bear?"


  1. Every good office should have chainsaw spanners. Frankly, I don't know why I don't. And every good dinner should be had in pjs. I already do this.

  2. Lucky went as a reindeer and everytime she got up from her table to do anything (which she had to cause she was working) Earl (I love it that I know a guy whose name is Earl and he suits it but is not at all like My Name Is Earl Earl) anyway Earl grabbed her tail.

    Note for any future costumes parties - make sure you have them in the summer cause polar fleece onesies are hot!
