Monday, June 7, 2010

I yam what I yam

This is the sky today.

It is now much worse than that. Just another winter storm. I've been waiting patiently for the weather to get frosty enough that I could harvest my yams.

I don't recommend growing yams as they tend to take over the garden and apparently you can't never get rid of them. Plus they take six months to grow (thats like 4 days in Farmville). On the other hand I quite like perpetually growing food, between the surprise of where they pop up and my laziness, yams might prove to be my favourite crop ever.

However, on sunny Saturday when I was wearing a t-shirt and bare feet I could have dug up my yams but didn't, not sure why. So it is on this yukky Queen's Birthday Monday that I suit up in my Hunting&Fishing polar fleece beanie, my Swazi polar fleece t-shirt, my Kathmandu polar fleece hoodie with the big pouch pocket, my flannel jamma pants (see previous post for other inappropriate jama wearing), woollen bed socks and my milking gumboots to head out and see how my yams were doing and take in a few.

The soil was gluggy and sticky. I realised that I like harvesting this year's yams cause they are red and easy to see, unlike potatoes that just look like balls of mud.

I filled this bowl, took them inside and washed them....

And have now successfully given away about a quarter of them. There are another quarter for C-loe and another for across the road and then a quarter for me to roast up tonight and then take some to work tomorrow because I bet it is snowing up in Methven and there is no way I'm going out in this weather if I don't have to.

Roast vege salad for lunch, yum!

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