Sunday, March 13, 2011

people are returning

and many are leaving altogether.

Today driving into Lincoln to go to Church in my Bishops backyard
I passed lots of utes and trucks with trailers
hauling what can be salvaged from homes.

Taking sacrament and listening to my ward member's
testimonies while sitting outside in the sun,
was a very pleasant way to commune with the Saints.

Everybody had a testimony of something positive
that has come from their experiences in the last few weeks.
I got a few comments about my supporting and fleeting role on a Close Up report
on the cutest old people who came up from Oamrau to help dig Christchurch out.

In light of Jo's death in the CTV Building and Japan's tsunami
life is more delicious.
There is so much to not worry about because when you look back on your life
those silly things are a waste of your time.
You can never say enough I love yous or compliments,
give enough hugs or smiles
and all so easy and simple to do.
You also can just forgive people and get over what ever it is that is bothering you.
You don't even have to involve them in the process.
Just get over it, life's too short, seize the day
etc etc
you get the picture.
I pray I can hold on to this for ever.

After my sunny sacrement,
I went over to visit Ali von der Barr
who is off to Perth.
Perth is about as far as you can go without having to get a work permit
and you can still fly home quick enough
and there are plenty of New Zealanders there.

About a week ago,
when Ali first said about moving to Perth
I immediately thought of the Smiths
who I knew would welcome her into their home.
What's one more when you have seven kids?
Funny how when you talk about a new city
there are always some Kiwis somewhere there that we can hook you up with.

So Ali's adventure into the unknown is now a little more known
between Aidan and Annie and Candy's sister.

Meanwhile the good deeds have continued
with getting a community group meat patties for their community BBQ for free.
Loving knowing people who work for meat companies.

Meanwhile Mags is off to Hamilton for a week and a bit.
It's a big week for our family this week
but I'll leave that for another day when the people involved are ok
with me blabbing their story all over the blogsphere.

I'll also let you know how successful the Church leaders were
with their lure of a General Authority
visiting our humble and combined ward next Sunday.

That is the Sunday that the Moon Man has predicted
a 9.+ earthquake north of Christchurch
and in our chapel which has a tidy crack through the middle
where the Rec Hall was attached many years ago.

Hands up all those who recognise those bricks? 
Yes it's another Mormon chapel
I would make a joke about the ward splitting
but you can't when wards are going to be in each other's pockets for a bit
while we are short of chapels.

I'm also glad Matty and his family are safe and well in Japan.
I'm glad I could pass my sage wisdom of earthquake aftermath
onto him so he won't feel like he is slowly losing his mind.
Decision making is over rated.

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