Monday, March 14, 2011

powers out

but that's alright, we'll make love by miners light*.

Ok not really
firstly, I don't have a miners light
secondly, there's only me here.
in the dark.

It's weird the things that stay working when main things like power stop.

Like there's hot water in the tank
so a long bath is in order
with candles,
see, no miners lights in this house.

Wouldn't that be weird having a bath with one of those miner's lamps on your forehead??

It's been an interesting day.
Started off good and early,
Spudly the kitten pooped on my duvet
so that was a bit gaggy.
Got the duvet cover in the wash,
then realised that I was being a little to early
cause I didn't need to be in Ashburton to pick up Duncy Monkey
until 9am to take him to Methven with me.
So I washed the poopy duvet then
all the poop reminded me that I had time to make Pooh's chocolate chip cookies.
So I did.

I took some with me when I went to pick up Duncy Monkey
and left them with Jeff the signwritter man.
Took a baking tin full to work.
They were still warm when I got there
so score one for me.

Had a pleasant management meeting.
Then rushed around because I deludedly think that 8 hours will be 8 hours
and I had to be in Lincoln by 2.30 for a video conference
with Richie and some people I vaguely knew.

Lincoln is about an hour from Methven
but since I needed to drop the Duncster off I went
via Ashburton it's about 30 minutes longer
plus with all the heavy machinery coming and going from Christchurch
the State Highway 1 bridge over the Rakaia river was closed
as massive earth movers are driven at a snails pace across it.

With no-one 100% sure the bridges are fine
we are all happy to wait for heavy trucks and trailers to cross by themselves.

I ended up racing behind Richie to get to our meeting.
 cause it doesn't pay to pass your boss in the work ute.

We were on time.

If you have never been on a video conference
it's like this.
The screen is divided into however many venues are 'dialed in' to the 'call'
in our case there was four places.
Lincoln (us), Hamilton, Wellington and Palmerston North.

You can see yourself in a little box in one corner
and that's in realtime.
You can see the others too
and yourself again but that's delayed time.
So in the little box you brush your hair out of the way in real time
then about 3 seconds later
you see yourself brush your hair out of the way on the other screen.

Hours of fun,
or one hour in today's case.

What is fun though is as the meeting goes on
everyone gets used to seeing themselves
and relaxes.
Then they forget we can see them.
Which is good cause when I was doing my little presentation
(that was a bit ok, not good or bad, just blah)
I could see the others zoning out.
Most handy for the future.

But all the while my big worry was that we would have an earthquake.
Seriously, I was on the phone with Casey
during Feb earthquake and she just kept talking
even though I was saying
"we are having an earthquake,
she just kept talking to me.
I was standing in the alleyway outside our office
and she was still telling me something that I have no recollection of at all.

Must ask her what she was telling me.

Anyway I didn't really want to have an earthquake while on a video conference.
Spazzing out I mean on the phone is one thing,
doing it on a video conference is a whole other thing.

Phew, powers on
no need for a miner's light.
I'm still having my bath by candle light though.

*Sorry can't find the lyrics or even the song name but it's by Sara Evans.  It's the one where she does rounds.

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