Thursday, September 8, 2011

I am at work

I am trying to look busy.

I am hoping that nobody will notice that I am writing a blog post.
Albeit a boring blog post,
but blog post all the same.

Hmmm whats happening in my life.
Oh the diet.
Successful to date.
Have eaten various kinds of meat for the last ten days
and thats all, oh and three, yes three litres of water a day.

It's surprisingly easy to drink three litres of water each day
if you chunk it down into water bottles.
If I drink five of my water bottle full of lovely Leeston water
I drink a little over three litres.
I do have a problem driving 40 minutes home
at the end of the day
but haven't had an accident yet.
Not that I'm planning on having one.
By accident you know I mean pee myself eh?
Good, cause I've never had a car accident
and the only thing I can hit on the roads home are cows or sheep
maybe a tractor.

Over the past two weeks,
on my way to work I've had to drive through a herd of cows
returning to their paddock from milking.
There are a few hundred of them.

They have been walking up the road while the farm puts in a underpass.
It's taken awhile but its in now
and I am grateful that I got to drive into oncoming cows
instead of having to drive in the same direction as them.

Was going to take a picture but felt a bit of a dork
taking photos of cows when I'm in a Young Farmers marked ute.
I try to keep the reputation going that we are actually farmers
and can talk cows and grass with the best of them.

I don't get to be in traffic jams anymore
just herds or flocks.


  1. After a week on the Dukan Diet I had no energy whatsoever. Are you still able to concentrate on your work and how much longer do you have to go in the first stage. How much weight loss so far? Best of luck.

  2. I've lost 5.7kgs and it has been easy. But this type of diet suits me. I did a similar thing when I was going off wheat and one of the reasons I am trying the Dukan Diet is because I need to get the wheat out of my system. I like the stages and that it's basically a low GI diet. If I were you, I'd just do a low GI diet and go nice and slow. Eat for Keeps is here
    Give that a go - Hope Scotland does well in THE RUGBY WORLD CUP but not as good as us!
