Friday, April 16, 2010

Can you believe?

Can you believe that some mean woman is having a go at Nienie?

So to recap Nienie has been blogging for a couple of years. Her blog was a joyfilled tribute to her husband and family and their life together. She wrote simply and filled with heart. It's a beautiful thing.

Then in August 2008, Nienie joined her husband and his instructor for a flight lesson when the plane crashed and she was burned a lot. Her husband was too and the instructor died. It was bad.

Nienie was hospitalised and in an induced coma for an age, meanwhile her sisters rallied round and took her four children into their homes until they could return to live with their parents.

What Nienie didn't know (probably cause she isn't obsessed with people visiting her blog like I am) was that thousands of people followed her blog and once the word got out that she was at deaths door, sympathy poured in and an online auction etc were organised raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for medical expenses.

So now after more than a year of rehab, operations, skin grafts, pain, tears, honesty and love, some mean women is having a go at Nienie for being vain (Nienie got her hair done and a pedicure) and for living off the funds raised (not true they are kept for medical bills only). I just have to say how dare this mean women email Nienie and have a go at her. It makes me really mad that someone, anyone thinks they have the right to have a go at someone who has been so brave, generous, loving, faithful and has shared her struggles which have given mine perspective. Nienie is my hero because she is all of us.

Man this makes me so mad I'm almost crying (right eye only) now I have to work to anchor myself and change my state to a positive place.

So people if you haven't read Nienie dialogues yet, do so now here - I was going to link it directly to Nienie's post about the mean woman, who ,Nienie rightly pointed out should just stop reading her blog if it's that bothersome to her, but I don't want to bring you down when Nienie is usually so uplifting.

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