Friday, April 30, 2010

The women behind the scenes

Unfortunately I have no photos of Rozzy mainly because she is super busy and moves too fast dealing with all sorts of things on Contest day.
Here's Lucky - so named because she is so lucky to work with us -
she is standing in the middle of the ATV course, not dangerous
because it's about skill not racing.
Lucky and I spent most of our day taking photos and what do you know they turned out to be little pictures....
bit of a shame really cause Lucky was looking good in her Contest uniform
and cause she's really pretty.
Then there is this kind of dedication.
Layabout Lisa was the first aid dummy for about six hours. She had seven blokes and one blokette practice varying degrees of first aid on her and sometimes they remembered to try and save little Johnny layabout Lisa's son/nephew/stolen child/dummy who was thrown from the ATV and landed behind the hay bales.
Layabout Lisa volunteered to drive up from Christchurch to Blenheim to lie in the sun on the cold ground and be pushed and pulled by amateur first aiders until the end of the day.

Young Farmers runs on volunteer effort.

From the club officers to the Contest Committee they all do it for the love of NZYF, that and the prestige, which is considerable.

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