Saturday, June 5, 2010

how weird are names

yeah so how weird are names. Think about it that two people (supposedly) confer at length and come up with your name and then somehow it is meant to fit you. I was meant to be a Stephanie or Virginia - both names that I can't imagine being (Emma Sarah Rose can't either) and I know that when my parents decided in Sara they couldn't come up with a middle name so they just used Jane. As a result nobody can give me a nickname because either I am totally non-distinct or nothing can come from Sara.

Mags was meant to be Margarita but Clarry (my Pop) was a little bit drunk, spelling was an issue and so she was just plain Margaret.
Emma Sarah Rose and Margaret Hermia are talking to each other just now and are calling each other by their full names - actually Emma Sarah Rose is calling Mags, Margeline Hernic and this could be why..

Emma Sarah Rose just hit my leg bruise that was incurred from walking into the Paea's bed while getting baby Kade .... but really I want to blog about horses cause they have really strange names and rhinos cause Orana Park has an auction to name their new white rhino and they are calling him Bruce at the moment but I bet they go an name him something African, which makes sense but seems a bit twee.
This is Willow and she gets called Wills which isn't too bad
but Emma Sarah Rose, who is reading over my shoulder has just rambled on about all her horses and they have epic names and then are called Danny or whatever.... or Frisbee. I got totally lost with that conversation. My brain can only contain so much information.
Anyhoo I have been summoned to go cook dinner which is good cause I am blogged out just at the moment and am having trouble writing much.

Meanwhile Emma Sarah Rose, who is feeling very much a part of this post, has her forehead all stretched due to lighting the offal pit and it blew up and gave her a heat burn on her forehead which is now scabbed up and I really want to pick it!
Don't think she's going to let me (she says no!).


  1. :) Funny post! I'm a picker too, although I draw the line at picking other people's scabs (euch!) I also disagree with no option for you to have a nickname. Sara Jane; you could have been S-J. Quite cool I think? This comes from someone with a forename Stefanie (of course with an F, not PH which has been the bane of my life), two middle names, and of course I married a man with a dutch double barrelled surname. Bet you're thankful now for your lovely name!!

  2. Aw thanks Stef! Last night Emz and I were talking about me being named Stephanie and she suggested said I would be a Stevie but you can have Stevie if you like :-)
    I do get called SJ and Sarz and Rusty and Sara Rascal but thats another story.
