Friday, June 4, 2010

it's too cold!

I keep making mistakes these dark and cold mornings.

First is not to leap out of bed before I realise how cold it is, and I'm sure it is colder this year;

Second is to have saved the Methven current temperature to my iGoogle homepage (currently it's -2 there). That's a freezingly scary thought since we only have a wee oil fin heater in the office because we have to apply for funding to get a real heater, darn not-for-profit outfit I work for;

Third is that I keep setting and lighting the fire when I get up. This causes a great deal of problems for me because I then find it very hard to leave the warm hearth to have a shower, get breakfast or anything really and then find I'm late for work, not that I can be late cause when I add my hours up each week I tend to have a few up my sleeve and the CEO did ask me yesterday how many days I am owed yesterday in a way that I took to mean "take them!"

I say hurry up shortest day of the year!!! oh, cause you know that means summer is just six weeks away when the days get longer... I know, it's my way of coping.

It's so cold it will be a clear day today so I will stop and take a photo or two of how beautiful the snow blanketed mountains are.

1 comment:

  1. What is it with you and looking forward to the shortest day? When does this begin? straight after the longest day or just as it starts to get colder? Colder weather is awful. I'm counting down to global warming.
