And a treat it is......
The weather wasn't flash, the scout camp was ideal, the beds were bunks with plastic covered mattresses but we knew we were in for some special treats so we would have endured any conditions to be treated so well and spend time with our sisters in the Gospel.
Val, Lucy, Makeleti, Liz and Ula are getting ready have a ukulele sing along after a lunch of fresh filled rolls and yummy passion fruit meringue cake and chocolate cake - because we were spoilt.

These are my sisters in Zion.
There 30 of us this weekend.
Some we see often, some less often and couple I've never seen before.
We share a ward, sacrement, callings, joys, sorrows, laughter and fun.
We call on each other when we are in need, we offer love and support when we see the need, we like each other, accept each other and listen to each other.
And I have this gift anywhere in the world, anywhere in New Zealand, anywhere the Church is.
These two are the culprits in creating a programme centred around the theme of "Inner Beauty"
Kathryn and Leah work incredibly hard developing a programme that is poetry in motion.

We had a lesson from Mel about writing your history, your specialness that
used NieNie's mormon messages.
We had massages and pilates classes,
a lecture on happiness from Liz and Pete Cammock - both wise and learned people.
And gifts and treats.
Katherine's wonderfully talented mother Livy creates the most gorgeous scrapbooky things that Katherine and Leah then fill with
10 tools to help us go home and help us to be kind to ourselves.

Katherine has this wonderful talent that makes you feel loved by her and the world.
Her attention to detail is remarkable
the amount of work she and Leah put into this one excellent weekend is awesome
Katherine put so much effort into making sure I had gluten free food and it was yum yum good.
All weekend we got to spin the wheel and 'win' prizes with our lucky number.
I 'won' a beautiful black and silver beaded necklace that will go well with most of my wardrobe.
These are the women I admire for their grace, their abilty to endure,
their faith and their love for me and each other.
I am blessed to know these women and grateful
that I had the opportunity to share their time and their spirit.
As we wrapped up our day, Leah read my mum's favourite story, one she had read me many times - the warm fuzzie story. All about generousity of spirit, giving of ones self and loving others. You should read it but until then watch this short video about real life warm fuzzies.....
President Monson and Warm Fuzzies
That all sounds so comforting.